
Conference Introduction

2023 International Conference on Physics, Mathematics and Computer Simulation (PMCS2023), which will take place in Harbin, China on June 29-30, 2023. PMCS2023 is to bring together innovative academics, industrial experts, engineers, students and practitioners working all around the world to promote scientific information interchange in the field of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Simulation and their Applications. The organizing committee of conference is pleased to invite prospective authors to submit their original manuscripts to PMCS2023 and attend the conference. We are accepting paper submissions, poster presentation submissions, and listener registrations.


Submissions will be reviewed by at least two conference technical committees or international reviewers, and accepted papers will be published into conference proceedings, and submitted to Ei Compendex, Inspec, Scopus, CPCI(ISTP), Google Scholar and CNKI Scholar for indexing. Excellent papers will be selected and published on SCI and EI journals.


◇ Please Download the Paper Format: Template
◇ Please Download the Submission Form: Submission Form
◇ Please send your Paper(s) and Submission Form to PMCS2023 via email: pmcs2023@163.com or pmcs2023@sina.com, the email subject should be named "Submission+Name+Tel".
◇ Regular papers are allowed to 5 pages. Extra pages(exceed 5 pages) will incur additional charges.
◇ If you'd like to attend the conference without presentation and publication, you are suggested to register as the listener. Please contact with the conference secretary directly by email (pmcs2023@163.com) or phone (Tel: +86-18986100723).

